Exam and Test PreparationI. TOEIC®, TOEFL®, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, DCL, CRFPA/CFPN (épreuves d'anglais)...
Make the most of your preparation time by focusing on interaction, communicative skills, and concentrating on the points actually tested in the tests/exams.
Formations éligibles au CPF 2016 - Compte Personnel de Formation
II. PGE-PGO - Prépa Grandes Ecoles - Prépa Grand Oral
Cours individuels ou en petits groupes. Prior to starting a course, you are invited to come for a short interview/oral test to assess your level in English and to discuss your language learning needs and expectations.
26 bis boulevard du Roi René, 13100 Aix en Provence (centre ville). Telephone: 04 42 26 75 71 |