Some articles to read or videos to watch
The Economist - May 21st 2016
Antibiotics -
Nanotechnology Paves Way for World's First Implantable Artificial Kidney
March 2, 2016:
Implantable devices by Brian Buntz.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University see significant progress on an implantable artificial kidney device made from microchip technology and living kidney cells.
Kristopher Sturgis
Link to article:
Implantable devices by Brian Buntz.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University see significant progress on an implantable artificial kidney device made from microchip technology and living kidney cells.
Kristopher Sturgis
Link to article:
The artificial kidney make use of microchip filters.
Image courtesy of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Image courtesy of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
What is Osteopathy?
Watch the video and afterwards, you can check your comprehension - Open the pdf. file below.
Think Osteopathy -TV interview
Why sitting is bad for you.
A course in Muscle Testing with Leah Boyd Barrett